Organizations We support


Western LAndowners Alliance

Western Landowners Alliance advances policies and practices that sustain working lands, connected landscapes and native species.


Colorado Cattlemen’s Association

Advancing the legacy and viability of beef production for our members by ensuring a dynamic and profitable industry that promotes growth and opportunity for future generations.

Quivira Coalition

“The Quivira Coalition builds soil, biodiversity, and resilience on western working landscapes. We foster ecological, economic, and social health through education, innovation, and collaboration.”


Shavano Conservation District

Through a board of local farmers and ranchers, the Shavano Conservation District serves as the grassroots leadership to the Natural Resource Conservation Service in the protection and conservation of our natural resources.

Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership

The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership exists to help protect the natural, scenic, and economic values of the Upper Uncompahgre River Watershed. The Partnership works to inform and engage all stakeholders and solicits input from diverse interests to ensure collaborative restoration efforts in the watershed.

Trout Unlimited

“Conservation should be a true partnership between landowners, agencies, municipalities, and all stakeholders. We protect critical habitat, reconnect degraded waterways, and restore populations to coldwater fisheries. We use sound science to inform our priorities, using critical data on the health of these fisheries to guide our conservation efforts.”

Colorado Ag Water Alliance

The Colorado Ag Water Alliance (CAWA) is comprised of agricultural leaders from across Colorado committed to the preservation of agriculture through the wise use of Colorado’s water resources.


rocky Mountain Elk foundation

Ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage.

Colorado River District

To lead in the protection, conservation, use, and development of the water resources of the Colorado River basin for the welfare of the District, and to safeguard for Colorado all waters of the Colorado River to which the state is entitled.


Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers seeks to ensure North America's outdoor heritage of hunting and fishing in a natural setting, through education and work on behalf of wild public lands, waters, and wildlife.

1% For the Planet

“The intent of 1% for the Planet is to help fund these diverse environmental organizations so that collectively they can be a more powerful source in solving the world’s problems.”


Valley Food PArtnership

“We strengthen the regional food system and community well-being through education, access to quality local foods, and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices.”